About MJMI

The Geoffrey Family:
(L-R) Josiah, Hosea, Asher, Isaac, Esther & Kevin

שלום, Shalom!

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to introduce myself, and to share with you about the ministry of MJMI. My name is Kevin Geoffrey, and I am a father, a husband, and a Jewish disciple of the Messiah Yeshua! I am also the principal laborer of both the Messianic Jewish Movement International (MJMI) and Perfect Word Ministries—strategic partner of MJMI since 2014. As a Perfect Word ministry, MJMI is working toward a mutual goal of both organizations: the prophetic restoration of all Jewish people to their unique identity, calling and purpose as Israel, in Messiah.

Who We Are

Founded in 1963 by Messianic Jewish pioneer Manny Brotman, MJMI is arguably the oldest Messianic Jewish ministry in the world. Building on a trail-blazing legacy, our goal is to refocus and redefine the Messianic Jewish movement for a new generation. Though we wait with hope and anticipation for the soon return of the Master Yeshua, we know that He will not come before “all Israel” is saved. Everything we do, then, is toward this end, as the salvation of the Jewish people means “life from the dead” for the entire world (see Romans 11). The purpose of MJMI, then, as encapsulated in our motto, is “Equipping the Messianic Jewish Movement for the salvation of all Israel.”

What We Do

In strategic partnership with Perfect Word Ministries, MJMI produces and publishes books, materials and other resources that promote a strictly biblical view of what it means to live as a Jewish Messiah-follower—especially where it comes to Torah-keeping, Messianic Jewish identity and other Jewish topics. We aim to persuade Jewish believers to value Scripture over religion, to teach our Christian brothers and sisters how to interact biblically with Jewish people, and to engage with Jewish seekers who need to meet Yeshua—not through the lens of Christianity or the filter of Judaism, but through the truth of the word of God.

Why We Do It

Today’s Messianic Jewish movement is diverse and largely unmoving. While it both competes and commingles with other movements and teachers—ranging from questionable to heretical—the Messianic Jewish movement in general has progressively grown less focused on Jewish people being Messianic, and more focused on being a Messianic religion that emulates Judaism. Because this perfect storm of divergent ideas, influences and practices has fostered confusion and disunity—even broken families and apostasy—the need to urge the Messianic Jewish movement toward a solely Scriptural approach is critical… now more than ever.

How We’re Different

By elevating Scripture—the written word of God—over Judaism, Jewish tradition and culture, MJMI knowingly sacrifices many a sacred cow. Like every Messianic Jewish ministry, we respect and appreciate Judaism, as well as love, support and consider ourselves one with all our Jewish brothers and sisters—Messianic, and non-Messianic alike. However, unlike other Messianic ministries, we maintain that Jewish life does not need, and can even be damaged by, external guidance or input from man-made religions (this is true for Gentile believers, as well). Rather, we hold that a true, Jewish life for every Jewish person—a Messianic Jewish life—can be easily discerned and applied by reading and knowing the Scriptures… from the Torah, to the life of Yeshua, and indeed, to the whole of the word of God.