The salvation of all Israel is the key to starting the clock on earth’s final global events. It is no wonder, then, that there are countless forces actively working to delay that inevitable day.

Sadly (and arguably), the greatest antagonists toward the work of sharing the Messiah with Jewish people are Jewish people themselves. Especially among the Orthodox, there is such a hatred of Yeshua and His Jewish followers that the ancient practice of oppressing Messianic Jews remains alive and well. We see this oppression especially in the matter of Messianic Jews who desire to make aliyah—to immigrate to Israel.

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From its foundation, MJMI’s express purpose has been to tell every Jewish person everywhere about the Messiah Yeshua. But sharing the Messiah with Jewish people means more than simply the salvation of individual Jewish souls, or even the restoration of an entire Jewish nation. Indeed, proclaiming Yeshua to the Jewish people is necessary for the salvation of the world!

A Nation Set Apart

Within the nation of Israel (Yis’rael), God established an order of separateness. This order establishes an increasing closeness and responsibility of service to God Himself.

First, the nation of Israel is, herself, a people set apart by God from among all the other nations.

Then, inside Israel, God set apart the tribe of Levi (Leviy), who would not receive a land inheritance along with the other tribes, but whose inheritance would be God Himself. The Levites (L’viyim) would be responsible for the maintenance of the tabernacle (HaMish’kan) and all the holy things related to God’s service.

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At the center of the Arab-Israeli conflict in the Middle East is a fundamental, socio-religious ideology that says Jews should not exist—anytime or anywhere—much less as the modern State of Israel. As a result, the tiny nation faces a constant threat to her national sovereignty and safety, and the world continually demonizes every effort she makes to defend herself. Despite this perpetual crisis, however, we need not be concerned that Adonai will fail to protect and preserve His people. Eventually, Israel will have peace and safety; in the end, Israel will survive (Zechariah 12:1-9). But what of Israel today? What assurances do we have that during the present era, God will protect and preserve the State of Israel from her ever-present foes? And what is our role and responsibility as we watch these events transpire?

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