Rosh Hashanah begins Judaism’s high holy day season, when synagogues are packed full to hear the blowing of the shofar, and the people begin the ten-day period of repentance and judgment in the hopes of ensuring their inscription in the book of life for one more year. And yet, not one part of that sentence can be supported with Scripture. Sadly, the beautiful and profound traditions of Rosh Hashanah—which Messianics have relied upon for their theology and practice—are no more than the inventions of man. Here are just four of the misconceptions that Judaism has about Rosh Hashanah. Read more
Passover is perhaps the most widely observed Jewish holiday, carrying with it thousands of years of history and rich tradition. And yet, most of what is typically observed today in the central ceremony of Passover—the Passover Seder—isn’t biblical. Despite any modern innovations and adaptations (including Messianic ones) most of the elements of the Passover Seder, as long established by post-Temple rabbinic Judaism, sadly have no basis in Scripture. Read more
In my previous article I wrote to you about a new document prepared by the Catholic Church’s Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews. I noted that while there were some positive features of the document, it is in fact hopelessly schizophrenic on two incredibly vital topics: the authority of Scripture, and salvation. Not only did the Commission set up a dichotomy regarding salvation that does not exist in Scripture, but it also ignores Scripture’s clear teaching on the subject—with direct and dire ramifications for the Jewish people. Here is where we pick up the discussion.
For more than half a century, MJMI has been actively involved in the sharing of the Messiah Yeshua with Jewish people all over the world. This is and always has been MJMI’s primary mission. It is because of the very existence of MJMI and organizations like MJMI that so-called “Jewish evangelism” became a “problem” within Judaism, and therefore, problematic for those seeking ecumenical peace with non-Messianic Jews, especially the Catholic Church.
a Perfect Word Ministry