I remember when Senator Joe Lieberman ran as Vice President on the Democratic ticket with Al Gore in 2000. As a Jewish believer in Yeshua, this created a bit of a predicament for me, albeit short-lived. How should I, as a Jew, respond to a potential Jewish vice-presidency? And more specifically, how should I, as a Messianic Jew, respond to a potential Jewish liberal vice-presidency?
Now two decades later, with the recent entrance of Michael Bloomberg into the presidential race (though things can turn on a dime in today’s political climate), for the first time in American history, there are two serious Jewish candidates for president of the United States. While this time around I have no internal turmoil whatsoever, it is nevertheless a unique situation worth reflecting upon, as we see two prominent, influential Jews with deep Jewish ties who have lost virtually all connection to their heritage and their God.
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God of Creation
Messianic Jewish TheologyWhat Is the Good News of Yeshua? (Part 2)
The opening words of Scripture, found in Genesis 1:1, speak precisely to the beginning of the message of the Good News. Before the very spreading out of the heavens and the foundation of the earth, there was God, and nothing but God. This fact cannot be glossed over or underestimated in its fundamental importance to sharing the Good News. It establishes the framework of God’s message, giving context and meaning to everything else that will follow. We cannot simply assume a communal awareness or agreement of how life on earth came to be, nor can we merely stipulate that life exists, and suffer all manner of theories and presumptions about its beginning. If we cannot openly attribute all life to God, then we have no basis for the Good News.
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What Is the Good News of Yeshua?
Messianic Jewish TheologyIntroduction
In a world where people’s lives are increasingly separated and isolated by technology, social media and overall self-involved busyness, the traditional means of sharing the Good News (“Gospel”) of Yeshua has become far more challenging. Ever since the advent of the World Wide Web in 1992, and the numerous technologies that have sprung forth from it, what has been successful in making the planet a much smaller place has also succeeded in pushing its inhabitants farther apart. Communication and attention spans have become dramatically abbreviated, especially in younger generations, and the definitions of cherished ideals such as “relationship” and “friend” have been stripped beyond much recognition.
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Growing Jewish Acceptance of Jesus
Israel & the Jewish PeopleA recent exchange on social media highlighted a shifting view of Yeshua/Jesus among the Jewish people—a change that can both encourage us and remind us to be ever-vigilant.
As you may know, Linda Sarsour is a first-generation Palestinian-American political activist. Formerly the executive director of the Arab American Association of New York, she was co-chair of the 2019 Women’s March until the organization recently broke ties with her over her anti-Semitic activity.
Yair Netanyahu is the eldest son of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. An Israeli Jew as well as a conservative social media activist, he is an ardent defender of both his father and the State of Israel. He publishes on Internet websites such as Twitter—a service which allows people to post information and interact with each other through short messages limited to about 50 words each.
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The First Jewish-American President?
Israel & the Jewish PeopleI remember when Senator Joe Lieberman ran as Vice President on the Democratic ticket with Al Gore in 2000. As a Jewish believer in Yeshua, this created a bit of a predicament for me, albeit short-lived. How should I, as a Jew, respond to a potential Jewish vice-presidency? And more specifically, how should I, as a Messianic Jew, respond to a potential Jewish liberal vice-presidency?
Now two decades later, with the recent entrance of Michael Bloomberg into the presidential race (though things can turn on a dime in today’s political climate), for the first time in American history, there are two serious Jewish candidates for president of the United States. While this time around I have no internal turmoil whatsoever, it is nevertheless a unique situation worth reflecting upon, as we see two prominent, influential Jews with deep Jewish ties who have lost virtually all connection to their heritage and their God.
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Arise, Reform and Rejoice!
Feasts & Appointed TimesIn the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, He set in motion a perpetual cycle of seasonal changes. Mankind, then, responded to and lived closely in accordance with those changes—changes many of us can largely ignore today, as we shuttle ourselves from one climate-controlled building to the next. But before there was the Internet or cars or supermarkets, people had to truly labor for their food. Literally, we had to harvest our own grains and raise our own livestock, and the longest and hardest season for working was summertime. People didn’t take vacations or time off from work or school like they do today—they toiled in the fields, in the exhausting heat of the sun, to bring in the life-giving harvest.
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Are Messianic Jews Still Jews?
Messianic Jewish TheologyIn Jewish circles, there is a commonly-held and widely-taught belief that when a Jew believes in Jesus, he is no longer a Jew, but a Christian. Let’s explore this idea, considering where it came from and why it persists, and then discover from the Scriptures why it’s completely wrong.
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Anti-Semitism Is Real
AntisemitismSince the latter half of the 20th century, the world has seen a steady decline in anti-Semitism… or so many of us thought. But for those who have been paying attention—who have never taken their eyes off of God’s treasured people Israel—we have seen anti-Semitism continue and even thrive in many forms. Today, we are beginning to see anti-Semitism in what we previously thought were impossible places—and it is only getting worse.
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In Both Action and Speech
Israel & the Jewish People, Messianic Jewish TheologyA Messianic Israeli kindergartener set off sparks recently when she declared before the other children in her class that “Yeshua is the Messiah and He will deliver us.” As reported by Kehila News Israel (KNI, kehilanews.com), citing an interview with Israel’s Channel 7, the mother of one of the girl’s classmates immediately complained to the school for allowing such “hypocritical” and “brainwashing” speech and, upon two rabbis’ recommendations, withdrew her child from the institution. The mother of the Messianic kindergartner, on the other hand, maintained that the whole episode had been blown out of proportion, and all three of her children continue to be welcomed by the school and other parents.
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The Apple of His Eye
Israel & the Jewish PeopleOn December 23, 2016, the UN Security Council unanimously passed a resolution condemning the State of Israel and demanding a halt to all Israeli settlement activity in the so-called Palestinian territory occupied since 1967 (including East Jerusalem), saying that continued construction is a “flagrant violation” of international law. In other words, the resolution declared that the pre-Six-Day War borders are unchangeable, thereby making any Israeli building behind those borders illegal. By abstaining from the UN vote and refusing to use its veto power, the US went against its long-standing policy of protecting the Israeli State in the UN Security Council.
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Messianic Jew? Or Christian?
Messianic Jewish TheologyFor most people, the idea of a Jew following Jesus is self-contradictory. One is either a Jew, who follows the God of Israel; or he undergoes conversion to become a Christian, and follows the God of the Gentiles—Jesus. In other words, it is widely believed that a Jew who follows Jesus stops being a Jew—he has turned his back on his people and his faith—and becomes a Christian. One can’t be both Jewish and Christian… or so it is thought.
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